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Outpatient Programme

"An outpatient (or out-patient) is a patient who is not hospitalised for 24 hours or more but who visits a hospital, clinic, or associated facility for diagnosis or treatment. Treatment provided in this fashion is called ambulatory care."



Before considering an Outpatient programme I recommend you take time to click on the link and read more about the difference between Outpatient and Inpatient Treatment:


Outpatient vs Inpatient Mental Health Treatment | Psych Central


Our Outpatient programme is available to individuals who are older than 18 years and who do not require medically supervised detoxification.

Our programme is Monday to Friday (Excluding Public Holidays) 09:00 to 12:00. The programme is based on the 12 Steps. Each morning is filled with treatment activities including individual and group therapy sessions, as well as educational lectures, with special emphasis on issues occurring in the home and work environments. Clients are asked to attend 12–Step meetings


Upon completion of our Outpatient treatment, clients will possess a better understanding of the disease of addiction, and recognise the necessity and importance of 12–Step involvement. Clients will be given tools of recovery, and suggestions to follow, which will assist them to a strong recovery in their new Lifestyle.

We offer 2 options:


Our first option is a 8 week programme. This option is recommended for individuals that have not completed, or attended Primary Treatment. We also recommend this option to individuals that have relapsed and might find it difficult to go back to inpatient treatment for reasons such as not being able to take more time off work, finances, etc .....;
Our second option is a 4 week programme. This option is recommended for individuals that have completed Primary, and / or Secondary, Treatment and need additional support in their early recovery.

We also offer a range of Aftercare programmes based on each client's needs and availabilities.

Our extended treatment is designed to provide long–term care, beyond primary treatment.


We believe that an Outpatient and a structured Aftercare programme is vital for a strong recovery.


The following is an excerpt from:


"Remaining in treatment for an adequate period of time is critical. The appropriate duration for an individual depends on the type and degree of the patient’s problems and needs. Research indicates that most addicted individuals need at least 3 months in treatment to significantly reduce or stop their drug use and that the best outcomes occur with longer durations of treatment. Recovery from drug addiction is a long-term process and frequently requires multiple episodes of treatment.  As with other chronic illnesses, relapses to drug abuse can occur and should signal a need for treatment to be reinstated or adjusted. Because individuals often leave treatment prematurely, programs should include strategies to engage and keep patients in treatment."


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