UNISA have run an 8 year research project on different factors influencing youth in South Africa. We attended the last feedback session in April. On the one hand we love statistics because we can get a snapshot idea of what the research looks like. On the other hand statistics are tricky because there are so many things that researchers can’t include because of budgets or other restraints. Statistics are perhaps the scientific way to say “I am not sure – there is a 30% chance it will rain and a 70% chance it will not rain.”
1693 learners participated and they looked like this:
12 secondary schools in Gauteng
47% were boys
53% were girls
They were in grades 7-12
From the ages of 13-17
Tobacco Use
46% have smoked cigarettes
Girls smoke more than boys
Participants use mostly cigarettes, followed by electronic cigarettes and finally hubbly bubbly
They use – to deal with stress and to have fun
4 out of 10 of them have parents who smoke
17% of parents know they smoke
9% smoke in front of their parents
Sport Performance
1 in 10 have used drugs to enhance their sport performance. 6% used Anabolic Androgenic Steroids. 87% were motivated to use these drugs by their parents or caregivers
1 in 10 used drugs to enhance their learning performance. 18% of this sample used during exam or test times
30% of this sample said that their relationships with others deteriorated because of using
5% said they lost friends because of using
13% said they were absent from school on occasion because of using
Alcohol Consumption
60% of users currently use alcohol
48% said that they had been drunk – with up to 56% of matric students reporting that they have been drunk before
25% said that they have binge drinking patterns
When asked why they drink:
49% said to fit in
30% to get away from worries
22% to gain confidence
17% to escape from stress
4 out of 10 said their parents are aware that they drink
26% of learners reported that their parents drink
39% say that drinking is becoming more socially acceptable
53% are aware of the risks of drinking
7.7% have missed a Monday at school because of drinking
24% reported that they have been in trouble because of drinking
6% said that their relationships with their parents have soured
Consequences and risks of drinking for these youngsters are:
Violence and victimisation
Unintentional Injuries
Unnatural death
SUD’s (Substance Use Disorders)
Risky sexual practices
Increased risk for girls for sexual violence
Multiple sexual partners
Inconsistent condom use
Increased Sexual Transmitted Illnesses (STI’s)
Increased rates of pregnancy
48% of learners are aware of drug and alcohol awareness. They hear about these initiatives from the following sources:
Educational Programmes
Media Initiatives
Awareness Campaigns
When asked what they would suggest in terms of awareness programmes, they specified the following sources where they would like to get their information from:
Educational school programmes
Youth Centres
Media initiatives
Awareness campaigns
Alcohol use is associated with multiple factors (Environmental, social, cultural etc.)
Substance abuse starts early
Despite knowledge of the risks they drink anyway
Rates of use are increasing
There is an increase in risky behaviour
In other research presented at the conference:
The Medical Research Council looked at mortality rates for ages 15 – 19 years in non-natural deaths. It was reported that alcohol was present in 40% of these deaths.
Exposure to advertising (16 – 17 year olds). They reported seeing advertising as follows:
On billboards
Music events and festivals
Social media
Adverts via emails
Sports sponsorships
How to work towards a better solution:
Redress the normal
Teach social competence and resistant skills training
Clarifying values
Parenting and community programmes that run together
Short term multiple sessions followed by booster sessions
Prevention is more important than cures
Limit physical availability of alcohol
Conduct workshops for parents identifying drug types and symptoms
Education about stigma
Education regarding rights and responsibilities
Ineffective strategies have proven to be:
Scare tactics
Education only
Special programmes for “high risk” youth alone
Long term research in all countries has shown that the consequences of substance abuse include:
Decline in academic performance
Dropping out
Learning difficulties
Heart disease / cancer / respiratory health
Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
Vehicle and pedestrian accidents